New widget and even more user-friendly control panel.
You can now search in the Settings, and you can also place expired item elements as a widget on the homepage.
The list of implemented developments today: - Expired items widget - New widget that displays expired item elements if any - If there are no expired item elements, this widget will not appear - Can only be added to the top widget zone - Settings - It is now possible to search among menu items in the control panelValidity function for objects, as well as employee object pairing.
Objects are freely constructs elements that describe something of your client, company, or employee. These objects have received a new property called Validity Date, which can be used.
On the day, the following enhancements were made: **Objects** - New object input field type: "Validity / expiration until date", which allows specifying validity for the given object element (e.g., expiration of technical inspection, validity of subscription, validity of highway toll sticker). - If a value is given to the "Validity / expiration until date" type field and the date expires, the system will display the value in red in the object list and indicate that it has expired. - The Expired items menu is available among Objects, where the system lists all expired items, and filtering is also possible. **Users** - Objects can now be paired with users.Job file uploader and several other refinements in our system.
For file uploads, now large thumbnails are also available and the checklist builder element has been improved, as well as several bugs fixed for the Kanban view.
File Upload Component
- The option for large thumbnail view is now available in the settings, making uploaded images easier to browse
Checklist Component Improvements
- Improved visual display of the checklist
- Uploaded images now appear in the checklist
Kanban View
- Fixed a rare issue where a popup window appeared when opening an item
- If an object was selected at two elements, now the desired data is visible for both
Warranty feature and even more beautiful design
The warranty management has arrived in our system! Additionally, this update has brought a nicer appearance and a more informative customer selection component.
Highlights of the day
Customer Selector Component
- The system now displays the number of sent and accepted quotes for the customer selector component, if available.
- Further optimized the appearance, focusing mainly on the top navigation section.
- Default warranty can now be provided for product categories and will be set as default when adding a product in those categories.
- Warranty information can now be recorded for products.
- When invoicing a product with a warranty, the system will activate the warranty and display the validity of the warranty on the invoice.
New features in the Quote and Product categories section!
In the case of Building Blocks, the listing options have significantly expanded in the Price Proposal, with new options and notifications added to the system. The Product Categories page has also been enhanced with a better design and an important new feature!
New features added to the system today:
- Files can now be uploaded/managed for quotations
- Uploaded files are accessible/downloadable on the quotation page (sent to the customer via email)
- Ability to set a due date for the quotation, system sends notification if not sent to the customer by that date
- New display options include showing the sending deadline in red if expired and the quotation expiration in orange if expired
- New display options include showing the net and gross amount of the quotation in the list view
Product Categories
- Ability to add products to a specific category
- Modified design for product categories
On this day, the handling of products has improved.
The handling of the products has been improved and the Product Selector element has received new features as well.
Highlights of the day
Product management
- Alternate names can now be provided when editing products, these can be used by AI for product recognition
Product selector component
- Price of products can now be hidden
- Options of objects can now be hidden
Extended customer API and new Billing API
Through the API, the billing functionality of our system is now accessible, and with the customer API, customers can now be identified based on their tax number.
Functions sharpened today:
Customer API:
- New API to query customer data based on tax number (primarily among saved customers, but if not found there, the system will try to query from the tax authority of the given country based on the provided tax number)
Invoice API:
- Fryda's invoicing functions are also accessible via the API
- Possible to create, cancel, and query invoices
- Possible to query available VAT types for invoicing
4 new invoicing-related functions in our latest update.
It is now possible to capture the performance percentage and retention percentage. There is a QR code available on the PDF that points to the invoice page, where the invoice details (e.g. for a transfer) can be immediately copied.
- The Completion percentage and Retention percentage can be recorded for the invoices
- A downloadable PDF with a QR code pointing to the invoice page is available for each invoice
- On the invoice page, key payment details (bank account number, invoice ID, gross total, and company name) can be copied without any login, available immediately to the customer
- A variable is available that returns the invoice page
New invoice feature and better app store.
Performance percentage feature for invoicing and the ability to upload images for applications in our App Store.
Today highlighted functions:
- Images can now be uploaded with applications next to youtube videos
Completion rate
- Completion rate or retentions are now available in the Invoices section
- The system shows all unpaid items that can be marked as paid after viewing
New building block and notification engine
The new Quote Builder can fully cover all tasks related to creating a quote. You can send it via email and continuously track the entire process, even from a list view.
- The system now has a notification engine
Quote Builder:
- Possibility to use quote builder element to add products to our quote, whether from inventory or manually (the latter can be toggled on/off)
- Ability to add notes and expiration date to the quote
- Quote can be sent via email with customizable text
- System now includes new variables that can be used, for example, when sending the quote via email
- System shows if the quote has been sent to the customer and tracks quote activities
- Quote block displays the current status of the quote
- Customer can accept or reject the quote on the quote page and also download the quote in PDF format
- QR code on the PDF quote leads back to the quote page
- Current status of the quote visible in a list view
- System notifies the user when a quote is opened, accepted, or rejected
New variables and updated appearance!
In this update, the system's appearance has improved, especially in dark mode! But many new user-specific variables have also been added to our system!
The list of developments that have been highlighted today: Variables: - A variable containing user data with the current user's name, email address, and phone number accessible (useful for documents as the issuing employee, or for emails as the sender's name, etc.). Appearance: - Better mobile view in dark mode - Better usability due to slightly brighter colors - Nicer table in the invoice list - More consistent design for shared elements - Better descriptions for application building componentsHappy New Year!
On the first day of 2025, we're not taking a break! The list of today's new developments includes the new Objects API and handling external dependencies!
Developments deployed today:
Objects API
- Our Objects feature now comes with an API
- It is now possible to query for a specific object type and its elements
Handling of Responsibilities:
- When managing responsibilities, all responsibilities can now be checked at once for sending emails
Email functionality for invoicing and managing outstanding balances!
Bills can now be sent via email, and this functionality has been added to overdue invoices as well. Additionally, the system indicates how many emails have been sent for each invoice.
Billing Email Settings
- Billing emails can now be configured in the Settings menu
- If there are no billing emails set up, the system will automatically configure some defaults
Emails on Invoices:
- It is now possible to set up automatic invoice sending when creating invoices
- In the invoice list and overdue list, emails sent regarding invoices can be viewed
Overdue Developments:
- Visible expected revenue based on months
- System displays summaries grouped by the age of any possible debts
- In the overdue list, it is possible to send an email for individual invoices, and the email template can also be selected
New variables and external dependencies improvements in today's update.
The "Outdoor Activities" menu option is now more organized and informative, and new variables have been added to our system!
Accounts Receivable
- The accounts receivable list shows how many days past due the payment deadline is
- The system categorizes the expired accounts receivables based on days
New Variables:
- New variables are now available in the system, including company name and email address (usable for example in email templates)
- Related to invoices, invoice data variables are also available
In our latest update, managing external locations has become simpler.
Handling, transparency, and management of outdoor events have become even easier with a variety of new tools!
Invoice list:
- In the invoice list, invoices with overdue payment deadlines receive a light red background
- For invoices with overdue deadlines, the expected payment date and collection remark can be saved
Accounts Receivable
- The accounts receivable list also shows the expected invoice payment deadline and collection remark, if any
- The accounts receivable list can be sorted by customer name and outstanding amount
Error Corrections
- A very rare error that can cause saving errors in the invoice due to extremely long invoice remarks
Welcome to our Slovak, Serbian, and Slovenian customers!
New languages and SMTP configuration testing options in our system!
SMTP settings- Test emails can now be sent in the SMTP settings section
New languages
- The system is now available in Slovak, Serbian, and Slovenian languages
Management of liabilities and revenue groups option
Our latest update mainly brings useful improvements in revenue management!
Unpaid Balances Option in the Invoices Menu
- The system now displays the list of unpaid balances in the Invoices menu
- All unpaid balances are visible
- The system groups invoices by customer and lists the customer with the highest unpaid balance on top
- Three display modes are available: only customers, customers and invoices together, or only invoices
- Invoices can be viewed individually
- The total net unpaid balance for customers and the net total of overdue balances are also visible
Selecting a Customer
- The customer selection dropdown now indicates when a customer has unpaid balances exceeding their credit limit, or if they have overdue invoice debts
Revenue Groups
- New revenue groups option in the Invoices menu
- You can manage revenue groups similar to cost groups
- Hierarchical (tree structure) organization is also possible
New widget, now at 11.
The tasks section customized for colleagues is no longer an unchangeable element, but is now available as a freely positionable widget in our system!
Tasks widget:
- The tasks widget is now available as a separate widget and no longer a non-editable box on the homepage
- Its function remains unchanged
- It can be added to any widget zone (top, right, and left)
- There are now 11 widgets available in our system!
Better access management!
In the system, a large part of the permissions can now be set for individual users and user groups!
Authorization Management:
- Authorization management is now available in the system for the following items: common items (such as documents, customers, lists, inventory, tags, lists...etc), finance (accounts, expenses), orders, HR functions, API functions.
- In all cases, both users and user groups can be paired.
We have made further progress in improving appearance and budget planning.
In this version, the left-side menu takes up even less space, and budget planning offers more options!
Release and Revenue Plan Component:- Project start and end date can now be defined.
- We can now specify monthly breakdown in the component settings.
- Cost elements and revenue elements can now be matched to actual data.
Bug Fixes
- Formatting error in AI-powered language translations has been fixed.
Improvements related to better design, media library, and invoice management.
You can now use individual statuses for invoices, you can also link invoices to applications from the invoices page, and the Media Library has received new features as well as the design has evolved in today's update of our system!
Invoice Status:- The system is now capable of managing invoice statuses.
- You can create invoice statuses in the Invoice Status Settings panel.
- Individual invoice statuses can now be set in the invoice list.
- It is now possible to pair any type of invoice (expense and revenue invoices as well) with any application element.
- This option is accessible from the invoice list.
- The entire invoice and its specific elements can be paired.
- Deletion option is also available.
- Nicer design in the media library menu.
- Folder management in the media library.
- Button styling now adapts better to dark mode, and has a more consistent appearance.
- Improved navigation in the Settings menu for simpler usage.
- Improved appearance of control buttons within each application.
- Enhanced design and consistent labels in the CMS.
Handling the budget within one application has become complete and with better design.
With our new building blocks, budgets can now be fully managed within an application, allowing for their utilization in projects or any other purpose. Additionally, you can even version individual cost/revenue plans!
Két új építőelem a rendszerünkben, így már 46 építőelem közül választhat!
Két új építőelemünk nagyon hasonló, az egyikkel a költségszámlákat a másikkal pedig a bevételeket társíthatja az egyes alkalmazás elemekhez, így pénzügyileg kezelheti az egyes projektek kiadásait és bevételeit.
Kiadások építőelem
- Új építőelem, amiben kezelheti az alkalmazásában az adott alkalmazás elemhez tartozó költségeket
- Költségeket a meglévő költség számlákból tud hozzáadni akár teljes számlát, vagy akár csak egy számla elemet
- A rendszer listanézetben tudja mutatni a nettó és bruttó összköltséget
Bevételek építőelem
- Új építőelem, amiben kezelheti az alkalmazásában az adott alkalmazás elemhez tartozó bevételeket
- Költségeket a meglévő bevétel számlákból tud hozzáadni, akár a teljes számlák, vagy akár csak egy számla elemet
- A rendszer listanézetben tudja mutatni a nettó és bruttó összbevételt.
- Az építőelem beállításaiban beállítható, hogy csak az adott alkalmazás elem kiválasztott ügyfele (ehhez használnia kell az Ügyfél kiválasztó építőelemet) felé kiállított bevétel számlákat listázza a rendszer
Négy új fejlesztés a jobb számlakezelésért és objektum párosításért
A számla listában újra lehet érkeztetve státuszt adni a feltöltött számlák mellé, de usability fejlesztés is érkezett, míg az objektum párosítónál lettek kapcsolódó elemek és letilthat felhasználó választás
Objektum párosító
- Az objektum párosító felületen immár letiltható, hogy a felhasználót / munkatársat ki kelljen választani
- A rendszer ha azonos az első objektum megjeleníti a kapcsolódó elemeket az eltérő objektum párosítókban
Számla lista
- Költség számla listában immár a számlakép feltöltéskor az érkeztetve státusz állítás is működik
- Egy számla szerkesztése után, ha mentjük a számlát a számla lista nem tölt újra, így ugyanonnan folytathatjuk a munkát ahol abbahagytuk
Jobb objektum párosító
A mai frissítésünk az objektum párosítóhoz ad 2 új opciót!
Objektum párosító:
- Az objektum párosító felületen immár megadható hogy melyik napra kívánjuk másolni az adatokat
- A drag n drop után sokkal gyorsabban menti a rendszer az új állapotot