Bus service management and a prettier object list

On the last working day of the week, the bus passenger transport building element developed even further, where now bus routes can also be managed, and the object management also became more beautiful!

  • The object creation/editing interface has been made more visually appealing and user-friendly.


Bus Passenger Transportation Building Block
  • Adjustable setting between building block configurations to determine where the system should find the license plate within the vehicle object.
  • A new interface is available for use with this building block titled "Bus Route Management".
  • In Bus Route Management, you can create routes (scheduled services), assign specific drivers and vehicles to the routes, and provide long and short names along with descriptions for the routes.
  • In Bus Route Management, you can easily set which driver will be on which route on specific days.

Our latest update covers 3 important areas.

New product copying feature in the quotation, as well as a nicer appearance in the product selector and file uploader building block!

Building element: Quote
  • Fixed a display issue in list view caused by a rare setting combination resulting in an empty table element
  • Added the functionality to copy offer items to the normal items (eliminating the need to enter them twice in accepted offers), so after accepting an offer, with a single button press, the offer items can be added to the items
Building element: Product selector
  • Selected products can now be displayed in list view
Building element: File uploader
  • If image thumbnail display is enabled, images with 1 or 2 uploads will be displayed in full width (images from 3 and more will be displayed at 50% width)
  • Improved appearance between the settings of the building element

Enhanced bus passenger transportation component

Now you can also handle passengers, either from your own customers or by manually entering them, and you can specify where the system finds the maximum number of passengers that buses can carry, thanks to which the system can also display the load of the specific vehicle on the given route.

Today's highlighted development list:


Bus passenger transportation building block

  • Passenger recording is now possible
  • You can manually enter the number of passengers on the route, or record passenger data individually for each passenger
  • Passenger details such as name, email, phone number, address, ID card, and passport number can be recorded among others (you can decide which data to save for passengers)
  • Customers can add passengers from their own list as well
  • You can specify which element of the selectable vehicle object contains the number of passengers being transported; if you do this, the system can calculate the load of the bus and warn if the maximum number of passengers is exceeded

Here is our development package that involves three important subunits.

The process of providing price quotes has been improved, setting cost centers has become simpler for a large number of cost centers, and now you have the option to convert the price quote into contractual items when creating a new application element!

Building Element Quotation
  • Products can now be imported from Excel into the quotation items
  • Modified captions for better understanding and usability
Setting Cost Centers Section
  • You can search among cost centers when entering cost centers, which can be useful when working with a large number of cost centers
Creating New Application Element Button
  • You can copy quotation items to application element contract items. This is useful when one application manages only the quotation and the other the specific project, so you can prepare a contractual price from the quotation, allowing the system to calculate the customer at the price of the products in the quotation, even if you change the pricing of a specific product

Contract item prices construction elements

Thanks to our new building block, you can now provide contract item prices per project which can override the prices recorded in associated application elements for that application element!

Today's list of highlighted developments: Contractual item prices of building element - In this building element, you can provide contractual item prices, i.e., a price list - If we add items within the application element or a connected application element, the system will follow the prices on the price list if the product is listed there - If there is a project-level price list (e.g., in the construction industry as a main contractor), it is worth using this application element - The validity and notes of the price list can be set - Items can be added to the price list manually or from inventory - Price list items are editable Relationship-building element between application elements - If there are listed items in one connected application element and there are contractual item prices in another, the system automatically adjusts those products to the contractual price that is listed in the contractual prices Thanks to this, you can create contract prices from the quotation, and when connecting orders to the application element containing the contract prices, the system will automatically price according to the contractual price! This unprecedented level of automation enables project-type works like never before.

New building block that can be used to create a new element in a different application.

In the new building block, you can add a button to your application, which when clicked can create a new element in another application, and at the same time copy certain data into the new application element!

Highlights of the day:


Create New Application Element Button - Building Block

  • Possible to create a button in the system that creates a new element in another application
  • Data can also be copied, so you can specify which input field content goes where, but the selected customer, supplier, and object can also be copied.
  • The button's label can be freely set
  • Once the creation is done in the other application, the system links the two elements, and a reference to the element in the other application is visible in place of the button
  • Settings can also include a descriptive text box where you can write that the application creation has been completed

Today, the selector component for related elements has been developed.

With this building block, you can create a connection between two elements of two different applications. The building block has become more transparent, more beautiful, and has also been enriched with new options.

List of developments made today:


Related component

  • Fixed a rare bug causing empty data if the linked application is not ready yet
  • Improved design for displaying the selected application
  • New list display option to choose what to show in the list when no linked element is present
  • Improved search for selecting linked elements

The selected user/colleague building block has improved even more!

Sometimes it may be necessary to select someone from your colleagues in the application. This element has been enhanced with features such as faster operation, better appearance, or the ability to filter by user group.

Highlighted developments today:


Selected user building blocks

  • If the section title is filled out, the building block title will be the same as the section title, making it easier to refer to what a specific block is used for
  • The appearance of the building block and its settings has become more aesthetically pleasing and organized
  • New option in settings: Automatically set the creator user for the selected user
  • You can now also set a user group in the building block settings, in which case you can only select a user from that specific user group
  • Faster operation in the list view when using the building block's list view

Even better customization in the list view of applications!

In the list view of applications, if you use a table view instead of a kanban view, you can now resize the width of the table.

Resizable table columns in the list view of applications

  • In the list view of applications, the width of table columns can now be resized
  • Click on the Application Editor button and then on the Resizable table columns option to enable resizing
  • The system stores the resized values for each user and each device separately
  • There is a minimum width for table columns, but no maximum width

New feature: Bus transportation for passengers.

The first version of our bus passenger transport building block is available, in which special routes or tourist routes can be set up. More innovations will arrive soon for this building block!

Bus passenger transportation building block

  • The first version of the bus passenger transportation building block is available
  • Currently, individual routes can be recorded, with routes consisting of multiple sections and even multi-day trips being manageable
  • Based on customer addresses, the system displays available addresses
  • Two types of views are available in the list view, an expanded view and a summary view
  • Multiple drivers can be assigned to a specific bus
  • It is recommended to use the customer selector building block, as the system will not allow recording of bus trips until a customer is selected

Skilled subcontractors, data import, and menu system are included in this development package.

With our latest update, the Subcontractors module has been enhanced, the data import has become smarter, and the layout of the left-hand menu has been simplified.

Subcontractors building elements
  • If you accept the subcontractor's quote, then the table containing the quotes will also turn to green style.
Importing data in individual applications
  • If you provide a unique identifier and the system finds a match among existing ones (even in subfolders), it will only update the existing item.
Menu system
  • Simplified layout in applications with multiple subapplications; the system will only display the complex layout if subfolders exist.

Smarter customer building block, AI and better data import.

New list view options are available for the customer building element, and now the contact person can also be selected. Artificial intelligence is capable of breaking down the address into its components that can be used during data import.

List of highlighted features today:


Customer component

  • New view options: customer email address, customer address, customer phone number, customer contact person's name, contact person's email address, contact person's phone number
  • When selecting a customer, the contact person can be chosen


Artificial intelligence

  • The system can use artificial intelligence to separate a given address into its elements (e.g., postal code, city, street name, etc.)


Application data import

  • During data import, the customer's address can be imported as a whole and then broken down into elements with the help of artificial intelligence

More developed application data import

With our latest update, importing elements of applications has been improved, you can now import various types of data, and the interface has also become more user-friendly.

Highlighted functions of the day:


Application Data Import

  • Customer field names were translated during data import for field matching
  • Customer contact person's name, email address, and phone number can also be imported
  • The identifier can also be imported during data import
  • Information related to quotations can be imported during data import as well

Advanced quotation and customer selection building element.

The customer selector component now has a greater impact on the other components, and the quotation item component received new status setting and list view options!

List of active functions today:


Building block of quotations

  • Warning appears if no customer is selected, as the quotation sending process cannot begin without it
  • New list setting option: Quotation sending time (if already sent, date will have a green background; if not sent yet, date will have a dash and orange background)
  • It is possible to set the status of a quotation as sent even if it wasn't sent from the system via email
  • It is possible to set the status of a quotation as accepted even if the customer did not accept it in the system


Customer selector building block

  • When selecting or deleting a customer, the system now not only refreshes the customer selection section but also the entire workflow, thus resetting data for elements dependent on customer selection

Skipping the workflow step option and error correction.

The first update of February includes a new workflow organization option and a bug fix.

Today's highlighted features:


Workflow Skip Function

  • When editing the components of the application, clicking on the icon next to each workflow allows you to set whether clicking the next button will default to the next workflow or a specific one set by you. This way, you can skip individual workflows if necessary (for rarely used ones).
  • If set up, when clicking the Next button in a specific workflow, the system will redirect to the selected workflow.


Bug Fixes

  • This update fixes an issue where, during invoicing, the system failed to copy line items from older invoices (prior to 2024.05) when trying to duplicate an old invoice.

Today subcontractor management has improved again!

5 more innovations in our Subcontractors module!

Subcontractors building block

  • You can now also generate a Completion Certificate document for subcontractors building block and set default text in the Settings menu
  • Better design in the subcontractors building block
  • You will receive notifications when a client sends you a quote
  • Subcontractors can now be added based on client groups as well
  • The Completion Certificate document can be edited before issuing and downloaded in PDF format

The subcontractor building element has further evolved.

With the enhanced subcontractor construction module, you can now request a quote from your partner via email as well. You can edit the email to be sent and use variables in it.

Subcontractors Building Elements

  • Opportunity to send a request for a quote to the selected subcontractor, you can edit the email subject and text before sending, and you can also use variables
  • It is possible to set the default email template, but the system also offers a default email template
  • The system shows how many emails have been sent to each subcontractor


Customer Editor

  • Possibility to create a new setting (with the customer setting checkbox already checked)

New building element for managing subcontractors

In the work process, you now have the option to manage subcontractors and the tasks associated with them. You now have 48 building blocks available.

On this day, the following new development has arrived in our system: **Construction Contractors Component** - Opportunity to add one or more subcontractors to each application component. - Subcontractors can add items individually or to all subcontractors simultaneously. - The added items are editable. - It can be marked whether the subcontractor is ready for the given task. - It is possible to immediately create a new subcontractor from this building block.

Job type, application, and customer management

Minor updates for even better usability in our new version!

Today's highlighted developments:


Type Editor

  • In the type editor, types are now editable


Create Application

  • Better, clearer appearance in the create application view


Customer List

  • The system now indicates in the customer list whether the customer is a supplier

Product features related to different types

Thanks to this new feature, products can be linked to types and only products linked to types can be selected in the applications. Thanks to this innovation, your colleagues can work with fewer opportunities for errors in our system.

List of highlighted developments for today:


Type Editor

  • Updated appearance for type editor
  • Option to link related products to types, allowing products to be linked to types


Product Editor

  • Associated types for a product will now be displayed during product editing and viewing product data


Product Selector Builder

  • If there is a product selector and type selector within an application and a type is selected with associated products, only the associated products can be added to the product selector builder when adding a product

Enhanced customer visits building block

Better and faster list view, as well as feedback during use to indicate whether a particular client has already been visited.

List of implemented developments today:


Customer visit module

  • Faster operation in the customer list view
  • Two display options in the customer list view: show only the number of visited customers or show the customer list in a tabular format
  • While searching for a customer, the system indicates whether the customer has been visited and if so, when

Customer visits are a building block for refined notification operations.

Customer visits can now be recorded thanks to our new feature, so if you have a colleague who is responsible for this task, our system can also assist in their work.

Today's completed developments:


Customer Visit Component

  • New building block for capturing customer visits
  • Setting the daily minimum number of customer visits
  • Ability to set customer list based on filtered criteria (narrowing down to customers in a specific group)



  • Faster functioning hide option for notifications

Today, Object-oriented developments have arrived.

Handling objects in the system has been simplified, and now comments can also be added in the Object pairing interface.

List of highlighted developments for today:

& nbsp;


  • Improved appearance when managing objects
  • Option to delete all items among the company's objects

Object pairing interface

  • Comments can now be provided on the object pairing interface.

API job and List function

Today, minor refinements and improvements were deployed.

List of highlighted developments for today:


Editing list items

  • A rare bug that caused the Save button to be invisible in the list item editor has been fixed


Objects API

  • For the selected object's API, the ID is now visible in the header for easier copying

Duplicate filtering in input fields and improved appearance.

The system now also indicates duplicates in the input fields, and the CMS and design have been improved in our new version.

Today's highlighted developments:

Builder element duplication filter for input field section

  • For input fields, a new option, duplication filter
  • If the value of the input field has already been specified elsewhere and the function is turned on, the system will alert you


  • Better appearance in CMS article editor for different language versions

Design modifications

  • The design of the login page has changed
  • The design of the input field section builder element has been improved