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A Fryda egy olyan szoftver, amiben néhány óra tanulás után képes lehet elkészíteni a saját vállalat irányítási rendszerét!
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Tud számlázni, ügyfeleket és készletet kezelni, dokumentumokat, szerződéseket és fájlokat kezelni, van HR funkcionalitás, de ezen felül is számos funkció, szinte minden ami a vállalkozásához szükséges. Sőt a szoftverünkben az AI is segíti a munkáját! Ezen az oldalon pedig ha lejjebb görget további részletes információt talál ezekről!

Client select area

The customer selector building block allows users to add a customer selector module to their application. They can configure whether they want to select a single customer or multiple customers (in which case they can also set a limit). For multiple customers, the columns of the displayed table can also be customized. Additionally, objects can be associated with the selected customers, and emails to be sent to the customers can even be specified directly within the building block.

Input sections area

The input field building block allows you to add any number of input fields within a single block. You can name the block and even add multiple blocks to your workflow. Various types of input fields are available, such as text, number, date, checkbox, select, and radio buttons. For list-based input fields (e.g., select and radio buttons), the data source can be managed in the "Lists" menu. The values of all input fields can later be referenced as variables, for example, in an automatically generated document or contract.

Items select area

The product selector building block allows you to add products to your application, such as parts for a service, products for regular sales, or extracted products in production scenarios. A variety of options are available, including filtering the selectable products, importing a product list from Excel, or enabling manual product entry to bypass inventory management. You can define discounts and edit the product list as needed. All these features are accessible in the building block's Settings menu.

Object select area

Objects are elements that you can freely define. First, you can create them in the Objects menu and then specify their properties. An object can be anything related to your business or your clients, such as a car, property, equipment, land, teeth, or body parts. Essentially, it can represent anything you need to manage for yourself or your clients. Objects can be associated with a client or even your own company. This building block allows you to manage these objects. You can select one or multiple objects for a client, filter the range of manageable objects, and more. These and additional options are available in the building block's Settings menu.

Description area

This building block allows you to add descriptions to your application. You can also apply formatting to the provided text. In list view, you can control whether the full description is displayed or only up to a specified character limit.

Comment area

The comment building block allows you to add commenting functionality to a specific workflow/application. In the list view, you can configure whether to display the most recent comment or just the total number of comments. When a new comment is added, the system automatically notifies the relevant stakeholders of the item.

File upload area

The file uploader building block allows you to add file upload functionality to your workflow. You can configure whether to allow uploading a single file or multiple files, name the block, and specify if only PDFs should be uploaded. If PDFs are uploaded, the system analyzes their text content, making it searchable within the application's list view, even based on the PDF's text. In the list view, you can control whether files can be downloaded/viewed or if the system should only display the number of uploaded files. File uploads can also be made mandatory in the building block's Settings.

Check list

You can create one or more checklists for your application. Each checklist block's items can be freely customized, and you can also specify the block's title. Additionally, you have the option to display all unresolved issues of a selected object within this building block. The system will automatically associate the checklist items with the selected object if applicable.


This building block allows you to create quotes. Once created, you can send them to the client via email. The client can review the quote on a beautifully designed page, accept or decline individual items, or even leave comments. If a paper-based process is required, the quote can be downloaded as a PDF. The email can be customized and can include variables. You will receive notifications for all actions (e.g., when the client accepts the quote). In the list view, you can track the status of the quote process in detail (e.g., whether the client has opened the email). You can also restrict which products your team members can include in a quote. All options are available in the building block's Settings menu.

Horizontal line

You can add a horizontal line to your application, which can help better separate individual elements if needed. This building block is purely for visual presentation within the application and serves no other purpose.

Section title

This building block allows you to improve the appearance of your application. You can assign a title to a specific section. For example, if you pair it with the description building block, you can associate a title with the description. The title can be set in the building block's settings and cannot be changed elsewhere. This building block is purely for the visual presentation of the application and serves no other purpose.

Section description

You can add a description to your application. For example, you can provide information for new users on how to use the application or instructions on how to perform specific tasks within the app. The description can be set in the building block's settings menu and cannot be edited elsewhere. This building block is purely for the visual presentation of the application and serves no other purpose.

Text Editor

Wysiwyg text editor with similar option than Microsoft Word editor (text format, tables, images...etv). Suggest for CMS or Document handle

Hidden description

Here you can add hidden comments in these workflow phase. These notes will not be visible anywhere and cannot be used as any data source, nor will they be visible in documents.


You can create events in Calendar. Your events show in the start page. You can sync your calendar to Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook.


You can manage loanable items (e.g., room rental or tool/vehicle rental) and create loans for them. With this building block, you can manage these types of tasks.


You can create questionnaires that can be sent to multiple colleagues or even external experts. In the list view, you can continuously track the responses and completion rates of the questionnaire.

Costs list

You can add expenses within the given application. You can add expense invoices or even specific expense invoice items.

Revenues list

You can add revenues within the application. This can be done by adding the entire invoiced bill or selected invoice items.

Budget and revenue plan

You can create a budget plan and specify the start and end dates of the budget. In the view, you can also set a monthly breakdown, allowing you to define expense and revenue plans for each month. The plans can even be versioned (continuously refined), and you can close the previous period multiple times if needed. This way, you can have a continuously adjustable and refinable budget plan. It is recommended to use it together with the Budget and Revenue Stat building block.

Budget and revenue statistics

Based on the costs and revenues attached to an item in the application, the system provides you with statistics (this requires using the Costs and Revenues module). Moreover, if you have created a plan (this requires the Budget and Revenue Plan module), you can also view both planned and actual data.


You can create tables for your application.


You can create select card for touchscreen devices. It is a card, contains 2 or 3 or 4 selectable value. You can pick one in using application.


You can use photos in the workflow, and you can even display them on the list page. Of course, you can use multiple photos on a single upload interface.

Supplier select area

You can select the supplier (in the client/supplier management section, you can specify whether a given client is also a supplier). If a price list is associated with the selected supplier, the system will use the product prices from that price list for items supplied by them.


You can manage subcontractors, request quotes from them, create subcontractor tasks and performance certificates, all while handling multiple subcontractors and their associated tasks simultaneously when needed.

Create invoice button

You can add Create invoice button to your workflow

Create prepayment invoice button

You can create prepayment invoices. The value of the advance invoices will be deducted from the regular invoice.

Info button

You can help your clients with dedicated info button. You can be write some information here, and help your clients.


You can add document. System can be replace document variables to your client and other data.

File download

You can upload a file, and your clients can download it. This section makes it possible.

Type selector

You can create a type selector from predefined types. For example, vehicle type, mobile phone type, etc

Review / Rating

You have the opportunity to create reviews. Each user/customer can only provide one review. They can submit both a text-based review and a star-based rating.

Info video

You can create video, and you can show your application functionality. You can place the video anywhere

Short description

You can add a short description to your application. This is a text input field that does not offer formatting options. If you want to record a medium-length text without formatting, this building block is recommended.


Your task deadline, can be show in task, and list view.


Add a button to publish the given item. Once published, the item cannot be modified and only an admin user can revert the publication status.

Created user and date

Show in element view the created user and created time

Selected user

You can select user (employer), and after you can use this data

Subscription item selector

You can select subscription item (from your stock) for your element

Connected element selector

You can connect element from other applications. You can use connected element in some actions, for example add selected client to connected application element.

Items of linked application elements

This building block displays the items of the application elements linked to the given application. These items can be invoiced, and filters can also be applied to them. To achieve this, it is necessary to link two applications using the building block that connects application elements..

Button for creating a new application item

With this building block, you can place a button that, when pressed, automatically creates a new item in another application. You can configure it to be automatically linked and specify which data should be copied and where in the new application.


You can create sub tasks in your workflow. These task you can delegate to your collegue, and your collegue can delegate

Work times

You can create work-type items. For these, you can specify the start and end of the work and define work fees (even multiple fees if different types of work are involved). You can also assign a colleague as the worker. These items will also be turned into invoice items. In the settings of the building block, you can define which of your colleagues you want to assign as workers and whether the system should display the prices. Work items can also be created from elements marked as faulty in the checklist building block.

Work times meo

This building block is used for double-checking the completion of tasks. It shows who conducted the check and the result of the inspection.


An element where the history can be viewed. For example, the history for the same supplier, customer, or selected object.

Contract item prices

You can record product prices in the system, which will be applied when adding a product (e.g., in the product selector component) or when linking another item to this element using the Related Item Selector component. In the latter case, the linked item's prices will be adjusted based on the contractual prices set here—though this behavior can be configured. In addition to product prices, you can also define a performance guarantee percentage and validity period.

Recording a client visit

You can save client visits. There is an option to set a predefined list, filter by client group, and specify a minimum number of clients to visit. The system also saves GPS coordinates, which can be reviewed later on a map.

Bus passenger transport management

With this building block, you have everything you need for bus passenger transport. You can define routes, manage the properties of these routes, and assign vehicles and drivers to them. Subcontractors can also be managed. It is suitable for both scheduled and custom routes and supports routes with multiple drivers. On the main page, it is recommended to use the Tasks building block, where your staff can see the routes assigned to them.

Medical tooth map

Tooth map, if you are dentist or other tooth medical company